Kentucky ALL-STARS

What is Kentucky All-Stars Quality Rating and Improvement System?

Kentucky All STARS is Kentucky’s expanded five-star quality rating and improvement system serving all early care and education programs – including childcare centers, Head Start, and public preschool – that receive public funding. The unified system is based on Kentucky’s Early Childhood Standards and research-based indicators of quality.

Kentucky All STARS recognizes programs that have committed to continuous quality improvement and provides programs with additional support, including training, technical assistance, and coaching. 

Supporting Child Care Providers in Raising Quality

Trying to navigate the KY ALL-STARS system can be challenging, but ECCTC can assist you through the process to increase your quality with the tools and resources that we have available.

How Can We Help?

Training Opportunities

ECCTC provides training opportunities to help you meet the ALL-STARS training requirements. Partnering with ECTC, we offer trainings in developmental screening, assessment, family engagement, curriculum, and much more.

Professional Membership

Being a member of an early childhood professional organization like ECCTC's can help you raise your All STARS score. ECCTC has professional memberships at the individual or center level.

Child Care Provider Portal

Our Child Care Provider Portal has tools that can assist you with all of the information that you need, from communication tools for families to performance evaluations for your staff. The Child Care Provider Portal has all the resources you need to help you keep your business professional and running smoothly.

All About All-STARS

New Providers

Providers of licensed type I and type II child care centers and certified family child care homes are automatically enrolled in Kentucky All STARS at a Level 1. Programs accepting public assistance must participate in Kentucky All STARS. Programs with a preliminary license may participate only at a Level 1.

Current Providers

Current All-STARS Providers
Providers seeking Level 3-5 quality ratings in Kentucky All STARS must participate in an environmental observation with a Cabinet-approved rater. Child Care Aware technical assistants can provide quality coaching and practice observations to candidates in preparation for a rating visit. For more information, please contact a Child Care Aware quality coach.

How are programs rated?

Program levels are determined by meeting regulatory requirements and completing a set of required domains and standards.

How Do I Apply to All-STARS?

If you are interested in applying for KY All STARS, complete the All STARS Submission Form.

Become a Member Today!

ECCTC has all your resources at your fingertips. Become a member today to have full access.